Tennessee CattleWomen's Association

The mission of TNCW is to promote the beef industry through advocacy and education as well as developing agriculture leadership.

Join Today!
The Tennessee's CattleWomen's Association is a growing group of women with a passion for the cattle industry. Whether you own cattle or not, we welcome you to join our association as we strive to advocate for the agriculture and cattle industries, educate consumers about BEEF, and lead and guide future cattlemen and women. Join the Tennessee CattleWomen's Association for only $20/year. Students receive a discounted membership rate of $10/year. Memberships run from January to December and may be paid online, at our annual meeting, or by calling the Tennessee Cattlemen's Association office at (615) 896-2333. CLICK HERE TO JOIN TNCW.
TCW Merchandise
"Loving What You Do" TCW T-Shirt
*NEW* TCW Branded Wild Rag
TCW Coffee Mug
TCW Merchandise can be purchased in the TCA Online Shop. All TCW Merchandise will ship from the Tennessee Cattlemen's Association Office in 2-3 business days.
TN CattleWomen's Scholarship
The Tennessee CattleWomen’s Association awards one scholarship of $600 each year to an outstanding student (male or female) who demonstrates good leadership skills, industry involvement, and a desire to pursue a career in the beef industry. Fields of study may include anything related to the beef cattle industry. The purpose of this program is to identify and support students who have excelled in the beef cattle industry as a way to help them emerge as industry leaders.
The judging process will be overseen by the TNCW Scholarship Chairman. The TNCW Scholarship Chairman will organize a committee to review the applications, and essays, and select the winners. Essays will be judged on the basis of originality, grammar, clarity of expression, accuracy, the relevance of the topic, and the solutions offered. The judge's decisions are final. The Tennessee CattleWomen’s Association reserves the right to publish all or any parts of the essays submitted on their website and social media. Applications will be judged on the Essay (50%) and Activity in 4-H, FFA, and other agriculture organizations (50%).
Visit the scholarship page under the Youth tab for the 2024 scholarship application! Applications are due June 1, 2024.
TCW Leadership

Stephanie Barnett, Vice-President
Montgomery County
Margie Hunter, Secretary
White County
Regional Teams
West- Alice McCoy and Carolyn Smith
Middle- Kelly Davenport and Abby Watkins
East- Rachel Hall and Jan Coley
Scholarship Chairman: Beth Jones, past- President
Marketing/Social Media: Stephanie Barnett
Youth Public Speaking Contest Chairman: Margie Hunter